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artist co-op

"Gift Guide: Pisces Season, by Elaine" is written on a light blue background over and image of two arch shaped earrings with black and white koi fish on them

5 Handmade Gifts for Pisces Season

Find 5 handmade gifts for the Pisces in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.

Gift Guide: Aquarius Season, by Elaine.

6 Handmade Gifts for Aquarius Season

Find 6 handmade gifts for the Aquarius in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.

Light blue polygon on the left side reads Gift Guide: For Capricorn Season with the Artisans Cooperative Logo at the bottom left. In the background is a picture of two bottle earrings containing tiny moss and mushrooms

6 Handmade Gifts for Capricorn Season

Find 6 handmade gifts for the Capricorn in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.

2024 Holiday Gift Guides: 5 Handmade Gifts To Get Into the Yuletide Spirit

Yule today is celebrated by many Norse and Germanic Pagans or Heathens, Reconstructionists, Wiccans, and others from a variety of other neopagan practices. [M]any of them may include more familiar practices such as the burning of the Yule Log or the hanging of evergreen wreaths. Others might include Scandinavian traditions like crafting or decorating with straw Julbocken (Yule Goats).

Whatever your celebrations might entail, here are 5 handmade gifts from our artisans to help get you into the Yuletide spirit!

Gift Guide: Scorpio Season, by Elaine; Co-op chicken logo; A gothic cathedral window bookmark

7 Handmade Gifts for Scorpio Season

Find 7 handmade gifts for the Scorpio in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.

A square block that reads: "The Impact Of A Handmade Artisans Co-op, by Elaine" with the Coop's logo in the corner.

The Impact of a Handmade Artisans Cooperative

In this post, we’ll outline the what a Cooperative is, the differences between The Artisans Cooperative and other marketplaces, and our social impact on communities.