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Line graph showing our fundraising plan with time on the horizontal axis and money on the vertical. Includes a combination of donations, grants, member investments, and lending before sales revenue - with title block

Our Funding Plan

We’ve built the tools we need to develop a cooperatively-owned handmade marketplace. In this post, we’ll discuss how we’re going to pay for it all with our 5-stage fundraising plan. 

Word Image Graphic Financial Survey Results for Artisans Cooperative Handmade marketplace

Financial Survey Results

In this post, we’re sharing the results of our “Financial Expectations Survey” for our handmade cooperative marketplace.

The cover of Artisans Co-op zine. The title reads "Artisans Co-op: Who We Are and How to Find Us" the credits read "Zine by Aggie and Lizzy. Illustrations and font by Tired Fox Art".

Print Our New Zine

Our grassroots team designed and produced a zine about Artisans Co-op. It goes over what the co-op is, some reasons why artisans might want to join, and how folks can learn more.

cross-stitch pattern with potted plants that says I Kill Real Plants

Gift Guide for Lovers of The Needle Arts

For those who love fiber arts and the needle arts, we’ve got four authentic handmade items that they’ll be sure to love, for knitters, crocheters, stitchers, and quilters.

Bar chart titled "Sales Commission (%) Research". showing a bar chart comparing sales commission at handmade marketplaces. The sales commission is split into three colors: transaction fees, payment processing fees, and other fees. Etsy's is the highest with 15% other fees and a total of almost 25% fees. Amazon Handmade and eBay are both at 15%, and two smaller sites, Ko-fi and AFTCRA are at 8% and 11% combined transaction and payment processing fees.

Financial Expectations Survey (5 Min)

Now open, take the survey! We created a survey to learn your expectations on the costs, commissions, and fees you expect on the Artisans Cooperative handmade marketplace. In this post, we’ll talk about why and how we developed a financial expectations survey.

Image of adorable illustrated chickens and a title that reads "Open House, March 2023 on Zoom"

March Open House Summary

This March, we hosted our second Open House and it went wonderfully! We presented our Marketplace Tech Plan, our Handmade Policy, our Ownership Model, and what our next steps for the co-op are.