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Gift Guide: 5 gifts to encourage self-comfort, by Alex R.

5 Gifts to Encourage Self-Comfort

We need ways to stop and breathe before getting back on our feet and marching forward again.

To that end, you’ll find in this article five listings that I’ve collected from Artisans Cooperative stores whose items can be used in healthy self-soothing activities.

Gift Guide: Scorpio Season, by Elaine; Co-op chicken logo; A gothic cathedral window bookmark

7 Handmade Gifts for Scorpio Season

Find 7 handmade gifts for the Scorpio in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.

Gift Guide: Libra Season, by Elaine

6 Handmade Gifts for Libra Season

Find 6 handmade gifts for the Libra in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.

Text over a green shape that reads "Gift Guide: Virgo Season, by Elaine". The background image is of two striped green round stud earrings on top of a grey stone table.

6 Handmade Gifts for Virgo Season

Find 6 handmade gifts for the Virgo in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.