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A square block that reads: "The Impact Of A Handmade Artisans Co-op, by Elaine" with the Coop's logo in the corner.

The Impact of a Handmade Artisans Cooperative

In this post, we’ll outline the what a Cooperative is, the differences between The Artisans Cooperative and other marketplaces, and our social impact on communities.

Gift Guide: Libra Season, by Elaine

6 Handmade Gifts for Libra Season

Find 6 handmade gifts for the Libra in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.

Text over a green shape that reads "Gift Guide: Virgo Season, by Elaine". The background image is of two striped green round stud earrings on top of a grey stone table.

6 Handmade Gifts for Virgo Season

Find 6 handmade gifts for the Virgo in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.

Text reads :Gift Guide: Leo Season, by Elaine" with the Co-op chicken symbol on a light orange hexagon corner over a picture of three stone heart shaped pendants.

7 Handmade Gifts for Leo Season

Find 6 handmade gifts for the Leo in your life with this guide of incredible handmade products from our Artisan Members.