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Photo of circular piece of wood with a black dog hand painted on it.

4 Handmade Gifts for Graduation

It is graduation season! After many years of dedicated studying, students are preparing to move onward, armed with the knowledge and experience that they learned in school. These four handmade gifts are perfect for the journeys that new graduates are about to embark on.

Header graphic of Artisans Cooperative Artisan Profile Dragontree Emporium with a picture of a young woman with pink glasses and a flower crown

Artisans Profile: DragonTree.Emporium

From our Artisan Profile series: featuring Dragontree.Emporium, a family shop run by Elizabeth Drachenström, who creates a variety of crochet and knit items.

cross-stitch pattern with potted plants that says I Kill Real Plants

Gift Guide for Lovers of The Needle Arts

For those who love fiber arts and the needle arts, we’ve got four authentic handmade items that they’ll be sure to love, for knitters, crocheters, stitchers, and quilters.

Photograph of "Lakes aren't always blue" self compassion handmade zine

5 Handmade Gifts for Self Love

These 5 handmade gifts are all about compassion and self love. Treat yourself or give them to a friend who could use a reminder to be kind to themselves.

A photo of Raffi, a person with short brown hair with shaved sides, and a short beard. They're wearing a black long sleeve shirt, a white and black-striped triangle scarf, and a beaded bracelet.

Artisan Profile: The Beat In Between

The first in our Artisan Profile series: featuring The Beat In Between. A shop run by Raffi Marhaba, who creates “radical queer things and everything in between.”

Tough-looking woman with tattoos on her arms wearing a duck canvas Carthartt like apron

4 Handmade Gifts for a Clean Start to Spring

The transition from winter to spring is associated with sweeping away the cobwebs, sloughing off the dead skins, and starting anew. Use this guide to inspire a clean start to your spring! Wash away the winter blues and shake off the seasonal affective disorder with items from makers in the Artisans Cooperative.

hand-crafted heart ring boxes by Al Ladd at Fine Edge Woodworking

4 Handmade Gifts for Couples

Celebrate your partnership with a special someone with a hand-crafted gift from a maker in the Artisans Cooperative.